Partnerships in Aging Consortium Think Tank (PACTT)
On March 28, 2019, the UNC Partnerships in Aging facilitated an inaugural Think Tank to form a consortium around ongoing aging-related work and interests that bridge university and community efforts. The event brought together 32 campus-community partners over dinner to discuss current and future initiatives. With the goals of deepening conversation about existing projects and spurring action toward the creation of new aging-related initiatives, the result of the evening’s work was a set of priorities that PiAP will work to support in the coming year in alignment with our strategic plan.
Below is a summary of the priority initiatives for 2019-2020.
To see the full PACTT 2019 Report, please click here.
Overarching Initiatives
(PiAP Strategic Priority 1A)
- I: Film series based in the community that intentionally recruits an
intergenerational audience of students and elders
- ACTION: PiAP intern is working in collaboration with local elder who is donating books & media related to Conscious Aging and will explore possibility for this avenue to begin film series
- II: Increase awareness of cultural diversity in Aging
- ACTION: Begin planning for a Diversity & Aging Symposium
Arts & Humanities Initiatives
(PiAP Strategic Priorities 1A & 3B)
- III: Connect students & elders through Arts & Humanities events/outreach
- ACTION: Meet with Arts & Humanities faculty & leaders to discuss ways to incorporate their interests with PiAP mission. Combine interests to host an Arts & Aging event, building momentum for ongoing connections
- IV: Increase use of storytelling/oral histories to advance interest in Aging and capture diverse narratives
- ACTION: Engage in discussing possibility for co-funded position with Southern Oral History Project
- ACTION: Continuing / re-energizing Galloway Ridge oral history project ACTION: Initiate oral histories with future residents of Orange County Habitat for Humanity’s Crescent Magnolia neighborhood
Campus-Community Connections Initiatives
(PiAP Strategic Priorities 1A&B)
- V: Develop expanded outreach to/ accessibility for diverse communities of elders in terms of accessing age-related services
- ACTION: Explore culturally relevant aging through meetings with groups and Centers representing diverse perspectives (e.g. SAGE, Latinx Collaborative, Stone Center, American Indian Center)
- ACTION: Follow up with Carolina Center for Public Service regarding the availability of Buckley Scholars for interpreter services
- ACTION: Support Nutrition graduate student to connect with Meals on Wheels to expand services to Mandarin-speaking elders
Academic Coursework & Related Initiatives
(PiAP Strategic Priority 2)
- VI: Develop some type of Aging certificate/passport/concentration that
bridges undergraduate and graduate study
- ACTION: Engage in conversations with Graduate School & Undergraduate Faculty Leadership about possibilities for Aging Studies concentration
- VII: Explore how Professors Emeriti stay engaged in campus life
- ACTION: Meet with HR and/or Retired Faculty Association to understand how outreach/continued connections are currently established