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If you should get COVID-19, Who will notify your family and friends?  Where is the spare key to your home? Who would take care of your pets?  Who would communicate with your doctors if you needed to go to the hospital?  We invite you to answer these questions, and more,  on the this COVID Emergency Plan and Serious Illness Plan (fillable pdf) form and post it on your refrigerator.  This guide is especially useful for the 42% of Orange County seniors 60+ who live alone.     

The End of Life Senior Resource Team of the Orange County Department on Aging encourages you to use this time to plan for emergency situations and to talk with your loved ones about your wishes should you become seriously ill. Choose a friend, family member or other trusted person to make medical decisions on your behalf if you can’t speak for yourself. Make sure the person you choose knows what is important to you.  If you don’t tell them, they won’t know! 

Check out the Emergency Plan and Serious Illness Plan documents now.   DON’T WAIT!